For and against suggestions for each of the A2 German topics to help students form their arguments for the speaking test whichever side they choose to take.
A treasure hunt that I use every year on my Rhine trip to the Boppard area. We stay in the small town of Bad Salzig (5 mins from Boppard). The treasure Hunt starts and ends at the Hotel Apostelhof (although this can be edited), and takes around an hour. It is advisable that students start on the same side of the street as the hotel then make their way down to an allocated member of staff who should stand where they are to cross the road and make their way back down. I also suggest another member of staff stands near the church near the end of the treasure hunt.
This was a lesson written as part of the unit on "myself and my family" for Year 10. It focusses on personality and the use of relative clauses. It comes with handouts and a vocab match up sheet. This lesson has been awarded "outstanding" twice. The lesson is based around a multiple choice personality test of the type found in trashy teenage magazines to appeal to Y10! The listening is from Logo 4 red, but you can miss that part out if you don't have it. Please note, I have removed the names of some teachers from my school from the personality test. You will need to replace these with the names of teachers from your own school. Students find this hilarious and it makes it more "real" for them! You could probably string this out for 2 lessons too.
I made this lesson for a Year 11 taster session in the summer term. I wanted to pick something they were familiar with, so chose the topic of "family" but used resources from Zeitgeist rather than Nelson Thornes 1) because I think Z is easier and 2) because we use NT in Year 12 so didn't want them repeating the same work later. It comes with a PowerPoint, handouts and a vocab sheet. You can make this last 2 hours if you include the extra grammar activity. This can, of course, also be used with actual Y12s!
A grid containing around 30 words in the singular form for students to find the plurals in a dictionary/glossary and look up the English translation. I used it with Y8, but would be suitable for any year group. Could be used as and extension or a competition/who can do it the fastest challenge. It was based on the glossary from Echo Express 1, but I imagine most course book glossaries will have similar words, or you can use dictionaries. My Y8 top set loved the challenge of a race!
This is the Smart Notebook document to be used alongside my grammar booklet. Both resources can be used on their own or together. The benefit of having the Notebook version is that answers can be revealed to the whole class. This resource covers basic grammar for GCSE Level with simple explanations, exercises and solutions. None topic specific, simple vocabulary is used so that the focus stays on grammar and exercises can be slotted in at any time, regardless of topic being studied. This can also be used in the orientation phase of Year 12 and selected parts are appropriate for good KS3 classes. 20 different grammar points are covered over 72 pages. Please see below.
• Personal Pronouns
• The Present Tense of Regular Verbs
• Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense
• Haben and Sein
• Separable Verbs
• The Perfect Tense with Haben
• The Perfect Tense with Sein
• The Perfect Tense with Haben and Sein
• The Future Tense
• Modal Verbs
• Word Order (Simple)
• Word Order (Complex)
• Word Order (Time, Manner, Place )
• Prepositions with the Dative Case
• Prepositions with the Accusative Case
• Dual Case Prepositions
• Plurals
• Relative Clauses
• Questions
• Comparatives and Superlatives
Lesson 2 of a series to help year 13 students understand the book. I usually make this as a booklet, as a front cover is also provided. This series of lessons also includes vocab lists, gap texts and comprehension questions. Lesson 2 covers chapters 3,4 and 5.
A double sided worksheet that will last an entire lesson. Ideal for cover work. Students can work independently on a variety of tasks of increasing difficulty. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Language included = school subjects and opinions of them, the verbs lernen and finden in the ich, du, er/sie/es and wir forms. There is also the opportunity to use the days of the week and other ways of giving opinions such as ich liebe/ich hasse by using the useful words section on the answer page.
A research task for completing in a computer room/with laptops/iPads. 26 questions to answer based on a website written for kids about Christmas in Germany. There are also links to 3 videos to watch and complete activities on. Suitable for KS3.
This is a reading activity aimed at Year 10/11 on the topic of “Social Issues”. It focuses on the FSJ (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) so is ideal for the part of the course on “voluntary work”. The reading text itself is quite challenging (as it is adapted form an authentic resource), but I have also included a vocab list and underlined the words in the text which are included on it. There is also a set of comprehension questions to work through.
Two gap texts for the Nikolaus song by Rolf Zuckowski. There is an easier version that I use with year 7/8 and a harder version for the older ones. Link to the song at the bottom of the sheet.
A double sided worksheet that will last an entire lesson. Ideal for cover work. Students can work independently on a variety of tasks of increasing difficulty. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Concentrates on the perfect tense with sein.
Two double sided worksheets that will lastseveral lessons. Ideal for cover work. Students can work independently on a variety of tasks of increasing difficulty. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Concentrates on the perfect tense with haben and sein. Also includes two PowerPoints with instructions, activities and answers which can be projected for more interactive cover lessons.
A double sided worksheet that will last an entire lesson. Ideal for cover work. Students can work independently on a variety of tasks of increasing difficulty. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Concentrates on the perfect tense with sein. Also includes a PowerPoint with instructions, activities and answers which can be projected for a more interactive cover lesson.
A double sided worksheet that will last an entire lesson. Ideal for cover work. Students can work independently on a variety of tasks of increasing difficulty. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Language included = 10 animals and their plurals, numbers up to 10, einen/eine/ein and keinen/keine/kein. Could be laminated and used again in the future. PowerPoint also included for a more interactive cover lesson. Instructions, activities and answers can be projected on the board.
PowerPoint to go with my double sided cover worksheet for a more interactive cover lesson. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Concentrates on the perfect tense with haben, regular and irregular past participles. Instructions, activities and answers can be projected. Work sheet also available to purchase separately.
A double sided worksheet that will last an entire lesson. Ideal for cover work. Students can work independently on a variety of tasks of increasing difficulty. Answers and other useful vocab provided for non-specialist cover teachers. Ideas for open ended tasks provided at the end as an extension or for early finishers. Concentrates on the perfect tense with haben, regular and irregular past participles. Also included is a PowerPoint with explanations, activities and answers which can be projected for a more interactive cover lesson.
Lesson 1 of a series to help year 13 students understand the book. I usually make this as a booklet, as a front cover is also provided. This series of lessons also includes vocab lists, gap texts and comprehension questions. Lesson 1 covers chapters 1 and 2.